N°1 in services to individuals: cleaning lady, ironing...
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Home Services in Orient :

  • 🧹Home Cleaner Orient
  • 🧺Ironing Orient
  • 📚Tutoring Orient📝
  • 👩‍👧‍👦Childcare Orient
  • 🌷Gardening Orient🌳🌿
  • 👴Elderly care Orient👵
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Image of the city of Sioux Falls in this same State
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2 Postal code :  loupe
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* Please provide us with your email address, which is essential to help you throughout your process. Quotes will be sent to you directly and free of charge to this address.

 Illustration on the left in the same State:

 Magnificent city of Sioux Falls

Welcome to Orient, a charming city located in Hand County, South Dakota. 🌾 With its rich history and scenic surroundings, Orient is a perfect destination for a relaxing getaway or a fun-filled adventure. 🚵‍♀️ Here are some things you can do and see in this hidden gem of a city!

If you're a history buff, you can't miss out on a visit to the Hand County Museum. 🏛️ This well-preserved museum showcases the local culture and heritage of the area, featuring artifacts and exhibits from the pioneer days. Nostalgic and educational, it's a must-visit for all visitors. Looking for some outdoor activities? Orient offers plenty of options for hiking, biking, and camping. ⛺ With its picturesque landscape and tranquil atmosphere, you'll feel rejuvenated and at peace. And don't forget to keep an eye out for the abundance of wildlife in the area! 🦌

For all your housekeeping and gardening needs, Orient has a number of home services available. 💼 Need help with ironing? No problem! Our housekeeping services will have your clothes looking crisp and neat. For those looking for academic support or home lessons, we have qualified tutors and instructors available. Our childcare services offer a safe and nurturing environment for your little ones to learn and play. 🧑‍🏫 Want to give your yard a makeover? Our gardening services can take care of everything from hedge trimming to lawn mowing. And for the elderly, we offer assistance with daily activities and tasks. 💪 Come to Orient and let us take care of your home needs, so you can relax and enjoy the beauty of our city!

Neighboring municipalities servedDistance
FAULKTON📝0.84 Miles
ROSCOE📝12.37 Miles
LONG LAKE📝20.92 Miles
HIGHMORE📝22.31 Miles
NORTHVILLE📝22.49 Miles
French municipalities served