N°1 in services to individuals: cleaning lady, ironing...
Contact Domifrance for a free quote: cleaning lady, ironing, academic support, childcare...

Home Services in Nice :

  • 🧹Home Cleaner Nice
  • 🧺Ironing Nice
  • 📚Tutoring Nice📝
  • 👩‍👧‍👦Childcare Nice
  • 🌷Gardening Nice🌳🌿
  • 👴Elderly care Nice👵
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Image of the city of Oakland in this same State
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2 Postal code :  loupe
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* Please provide us with your email address, which is essential to help you throughout your process. Quotes will be sent to you directly and free of charge to this address.

 Illustration on the left in the same State:

 Magnificent city of Oakland

Nestled on the shores of Lake County in California, 🌅 the city of Nice is a charming destination that offers a blend of natural beauty and small-town charm. 🏞️ Known for its picturesque vistas and friendly locals, Nice is the perfect spot for a relaxing getaway. 🏝️ Visitors can spend their days lounging on the scenic beaches, 🌊 exploring local art galleries and antique shops, or sipping on a glass of wine at one of the many nearby wineries. 🍷 With its idyllic lakeside location, outdoor enthusiasts will also find plenty of opportunities for fishing, hiking, and more.

For those looking for a more cosmopolitan experience, 🌇 the city of Nice is just a short drive away from larger cities like San Francisco and Sacramento. 💼 This makes it a great home base for day trips and exploring all that northern California has to offer. 🚙 And for those who prefer to stay put, the city itself has a variety of activities to keep visitors busy, including 🚶‍♂️ scenic bike rides, 🍽️ delicious seafood restaurants, and 🎭 cultural events like music festivals and theater performances.

Housekeeping, ironing, academic support, home lessons, childcare, gardening, hedge trimming, lawn mowing, assistance for the elderly

Whether you're visiting Nice for a quick weekend trip or plan to stay for an extended period, there's no need to worry about daily tasks like housekeeping or gardening. 🧹 Many local businesses offer services like ironing and home lessons, making it easy to maintain a clean and organized living space during your trip. And for those who need a helping hand with childcare or academic support, there are also options available to ensure everyone in the family has an enjoyable and stress-free vacation. Additionally, assistance for the elderly is available for those who may require extra help during their stay. With these services, visitors can focus on exploring and enjoying all that the city of Nice has to offer without the added worry of daily chores.

Neighboring municipalities servedDistance
MONTE RIO📝9.68 Miles
SANTA ROSA📝10.36 Miles
French municipalities served