N°1 in services to individuals: cleaning lady, ironing...
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Home Services in Rives :

  • 🧹Home Cleaner Rives
  • 🧺Ironing Rives
  • 📚Tutoring Rives📝
  • 👩‍👧‍👦Childcare Rives
  • 🌷Gardening Rives🌳🌿
  • 👴Elderly care Rives👵
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Image of the city of Knoxville in this same State
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2 Postal code :  loupe
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* Please provide us with your email address, which is essential to help you throughout your process. Quotes will be sent to you directly and free of charge to this address.

 Illustration on the left in the same State:

 Magnificent city of Knoxville

Rives, located in the county of Obion, Tennessee, is a charming city with a rich history and plenty to see and do. 🏰 Whether you're interested in outdoor activities 🌳, cultural events 🎭, or simply relaxing with delicious food and drinks 🍴, Rives has something for everyone. One of the must-see attractions in Rives is the historic Rives Theatre 🎥, which has been entertaining locals and visitors for decades. This beautifully restored theater hosts a variety of events, from movie screenings to live performances, and is a must-visit for any entertainment lover. 💫

If you're seeking educational enrichment for your family, Rives has several options for housekeeping, ironing, academic support, and home lessons to help your child excel in school. 💻 Experienced tutors and teachers are available to provide personalized attention and assistance to support your child's academic growth. Additionally, for busy parents, Rives offers reliable childcare services, allowing you to focus on your responsibilities with peace of mind. 🧘‍♂️ And for those who enjoy spending time outdoors, Rives has opportunities for gardening, hedge trimming, and lawn mowing services to help keep your green spaces looking beautiful and well-maintained. 🌿

Lastly, Rives also offers assistance for the elderly in many forms, from transportation services to home visits from caring individuals. 🚗 Whether you need help running errands or simply want someone to chat with and provide companionship, Rives has a welcoming community that is ready to support its seniors. 👴 With so much to offer, Rives is a fantastic destination for both visitors and residents alike. Make sure to add this charming city to your travel list and experience all that it has to offer! 🌟

Neighboring municipalities servedDistance
KENTON📝4.47 Miles
DYER📝8.23 Miles
SOUTH FULTON📝10.06 Miles
TRIMBLE📝15.06 Miles
French municipalities served